Elective Class

Fixer Upper: Home Maintenance and Improvement

Teacher: Coming Soon

Monthly Tuition: Coming Soon

Cash, Check, Venmo: 

7th – 12th Grade Level 


Course Description:

Fixer-Upper is a practical, hands-on course designed for students to learn essential skills in building, fixing, and maintaining a home. The class aims to equip students with the knowledge and confidence to tackle a wide range of household projects, from basic repairs to improvements that enhance both functionality and aesthetics. Throughout the semester, students will engage in practical exercises, projects, and troubleshooting tasks, learning how to identify problems and apply effective solutions. This course emphasizes safety, tool use, and best practices in home maintenance.



Materials Required:

Hammer, screwdrivers, safety glasses, work gloves and hearing protection.

No required textbooks.

workshop, rustic, hammer-2608390.jpg