Teacher: Victoria Wright

Monthly Tuition: $75 Per Month (+ $35 Supply Fee)

Cash, Check, Zelle: 832-341-6596 or Venmo: @VictoriaWright77511 

9th-12th Grade Level

Course Description:

This course starts at the initial stage of analyzing a business concept, planning to open, and moves through start-up into daily operations. This will cover feasibility studies, SWOT analysis, how to create an effective business plan, learning what is required to start and run a business, basic finance and accounting skills, marketing and advertising, customer relations, public relations, community relations, and so much more! Students will have all the skills they need to open and run their own business after this class!

Materials Required:

TBA, but to be noted that Ms. Wright is currently planning to use sections from two different textbooks that are available online with free access through OpenStax.org. More details about curriculum will be posted as they become available.