Teacher: Mary Ann Hutchison
Monthly Tuition: $75 Per Month (+ $10 Supply Fee)
Cash, Check or Venmo: @MAHutchison
9th-12th Grade Level
Course Description:
This American history textbook takes students on a journey through time to give a complete overview of the founding, development, and growth of the United States as a nation, all the way through to the current Trump Presidency. Students will explore significant social studies skills to prepare them to be student historians capable of engaging with American history thoughtfully so they can use the events of our past to make wise decisions for the future. Interactive discussions, projects, presentations, and online quizzes will enhance the student’s learning.
Upon completion, this class will equal One History Credit on HS Transcript
Materials Required:
BJU Press American Republic Student Edition, 5th ed.
Link below to purchase the curriculum:
**PHC Families Exclusive Offer: To receive free shipping and a 10% discount for this book, please contact our local BJU Press Rep Megan at (832)387-4202