Core Class
Marine Biology
Teacher: Marsha Posey
Monthly Tuition: $75 Per Month (+ $120 Supply Fee – can be made in two payments. Please contact Mrs. Posey for details at
Cash, Check or Venmo: @Marsha-Posey-2
9th-12th Grade Level
Course Description:
Apologia’s Marine Biology course is one of the few homeschool science courses that include an entire education on ecology. It gives students learning tools to ensure that they thrive and master key science concepts.
God designed the earth’s intricate ecosystem for his glory and the needs of those He created, and it is crucial for Christians in our day to accurately understand the ocean’s ecosystems and resources and how we can best steward them.
This homeschool Marine Biology course is rigorous and will provide your student with a thorough understanding of Marine Biology. We recommend it as a high school course as it requires knowledge of general biology and assumes that your student has previously participated in biological lab activities such as experiments, dissections, and microscopy.
Upon completion, this course will equal ONE science credit on HS transcript.