Teacher: Lora Graziosi
Monthly Tuition: $70 Per Month (+ $20 Supply Fee)
Cash or Venmo: @
9th-12th Grade Level
Fall Semester will cover Government / Civics
Spring Semester will cover Economics
Course Overview:
Each week the class will start with a quiz covering the assigned homework. Each week every student will make a presentation with Power Point on a subject assigned to the student by the teacher. Afterwards, the teacher will present a power point presentation on readings and Discussion Questions from the book/s, plus current and past people/events to prompt class interaction. Short video clips will be included. Unit Test will be at the end of class every 4 weeks. A five- paragraph essay is due mid-term and at the end of the term on a subject assigned by the teacher to the student (broad area assigned and the student will narrow the scope to their preference – must be approved by the teacher). That is two essays per semester for a total of four for the school year. This essay will include a small tri-fold board and any props with a 5 – minute presentation in front of class.
- Homework will be turned-in each Wednesday morning in a box set in the common area. Homework will be graded that morning and returned to the student during class.
- A Rubric will be provided at the beginning of the school year to provide expected requirements for Power Point Presentations (i.e. – number of slides, number of pictures/ graphs/ charts/ maps and number of bullet-point facts – punctuation and grammar and mechanics graded as well – and a time requirement)
Upon completion, this class will equal 1/2 Government Credit AND 1/2 Economics Credit on HS Transcript