Texas History
Teacher: Mary Ann Hutchison
Monthly Tuition: $70 Per Month (+ $10 Supply Fee)
Cash, Check, Zelle: 281-730-6218 or Venmo: @MAHutchison
7th-8th Grade Level
Course Description:
Come be immersed in the fascinating history of the Lone Star State. This class will cover state symbols, regions, Native Americans in Texas, history until present day, and Texas government. Learn about the heroic men and women who helped shape our great state. An additional book list will be provided to choose 3 books to read and interact with during the year. Games, projects and hands-on activities will help make Texas history come alive.
Materials Required:
The Spirit of Texas Daily Reading Book
1 inch 3 ring binder
Notebook paper
Supplemented with books set in TX (found in your public library or purchased for your own library) list will be given with syllabus in Aug.
Link to purchase text book: