ENGLISH 11 | 12
Teacher: Hailey Morgan
Monthly Tuition: $75 Per Month (+ $20 Supply Fee)
Cash, Check or Venmo: @Hail_Morgan
11th-12th Grade Level
*NOTE: English 11|12 is on a two-year cycle so students will not repeat the same course twice. Different books are read each year.
Course Description:
English 11|12 will focus on furthering student reading and annotation abilities, as well as how to write in APA format. During the fall semester, students will read Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid. Students will also be introduced to APA format and write a short essay in this new style.
During the spring semester, students will read Dante Alighieri’s Inferno and John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Students will also take part in multiple in-class debates as preparation to write an APA research essay.
In addition to English, students will also learn the history behind each literary time period as we dive into the movements of Christianity during each era and explore how music and art mirrored the trends of the centuries. Students will also have multiple opportunities to practice their communication skills as both in-class discussions and presentations will be part of the curriculum.
Upon completion, this class will equal One English Credit AND 1/4 Speech Credit on HS Transcript
Materials Required:
Links to purchase books: